Mayne Island Housing Society
Affordable Rental Housing
Mayne Island, BC
• Working to bring attention to and fill the gap in support and funding in BC for rural affordable housing projects
• While the Province has been working to increase the housing supply in BC through land use changes, process modernization, and continued funding through BC Housing, these efforts do not materially benefit rural areas, where housing challenges and shortages are also immense
• Supporting development and approval processes for 10 units on Mayne Island BC
• Rental mix of 1,2, and 3-bedroom units
• CMHC Seed Funding, GMF Planning Grant, and Vancity funding secured; over $150,000 in predevelopment funding secured
• Comprehensive site due diligence completed
• Successful rezoning of site for maximum allowable density on Mayne Island
• Unique collaboration between variety of Southern Gulf Islands projects facilitated by Wiser Projects to fund cost, time, and advocacy efficiencies
• Community Housing Transformation Centre funding for this collaboration