Accessibility Standards Canada


National Research for Accessibility Standards Canada


Accessibility Standards Canada is funding selected disability organizations across Canada to provide research to support the advancement of federal government accessibility requirements and standards for buildings and services. Wiser Projects is conducting accessibility research in partnership with the Hidden Mobility Disability Alliance, a non-profit organization that collaborates with municipal policy makers, public works departments, federal and provincial offices, community organizations and private sector employers regarding accessibility and accommodation.The research will evaluate the Canadian Standards Association accessibility standards, federal, provincial and municipal policy and regulation related to buildings, customer service and accessibility requirements in the National Building Code. Recommendations for standards development and training within the Federal Government. Additional team members include Berkowitz and Associates, statistical analysis; the Ontario Disability Employment Network for survey and focus group sessions with disabled Individuals and organizations across Canada; and CLS Lexi-tech Ltd. For French translation.


• Improvements to the comprehensiveness of national accessibility standards.
• Support for the Accessible Canada Act objective to make Canada barrier-free by January 1, 2040.

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